Thursday, June 7, 2007


So I was tagged by those lovely people over at the All You Care To Eat blog. Basically, from what I understand, it's a blogger chain letter. Bastard! My superstitious nature will compel me to find eight other bloggers to torture with such pain in order to avert death next month. One upside may be that this will get me off my ass and write some more so this will be buried in 'Older Posts'.

The rules:

"Bloggers must post these rules and provide eight random facts about themselves. In the post, the tagged blogger tags eight other bloggers and notify them that they have been tagged."

1. A plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with sour cream and onion Pringles is hands-down the best meal on this or any known or theoretical universe.

2. In my 12 years in Iowa City, I lived in 16 different apartments, four in one calendar year. I was a little squirrelly in my 20s and had roommates who had a penchant for getting kicked out of school or attempting suicide.

3. When I was twelve, I took the career aptitude test designed to find what job I would be best suited for as an adult based on my personality traits and proficiency in math, science, etc.. The result? Insurance salesman. Still working through that one.

4. My sister-in-law owns a salon and cut my hair when I was growing up. When I was thirteen, she ever-so-gently predicted that I would be bald. Started losing it at nineteen.

5. Hitting a home run is the most pure, life-affirming feeling this world has to offer. And it's not even close.

6. I watched the Godfather trilogy for the first time three months ago. Worked in a video store for five years and never saw any of them. Throw Scarface on that pile.

7. In grade school, nobody could beat me at tetherball. Not even Clint Richmond, that punk. They all came and they all went home disappointed.

8. From 1998 to 2003, I didn't work on Wednesday nights. I never told anyone what I was doing. Never even hinted at it. It became a carefully calculated routine. I would go buy some Taco Bell - three baja gorditas, nacho chips and wild cherry Pepsi (combo no. 5) - and come home. Made sure everything is taken care of w/r/t phone messages and various college assignments. Put on some comfortable clothes, grabbed my food, drew the curtains, turned the television to the WB and settled in for a blissful hour of Dawson's Creek. Yes. I'm a woman.

That's all. MateFamber, you've been tagged.


Mate Famber said...

That's Mate Famber BTW--I created an account for my "business" e-mails concernign the uh, whatnot...

mate famber

Christo P. Ney said...

Oh so gay.